The CFS – House

To inculcate the spirit of healthy competition amongst its students, the entire student population has been divided into four houses, namely:

  • Wellington
  • Hastings
  • Nelson
  • Allenby

Duties of House Warden

  1. A house warden and a house tutor play a very important role in the overall development of a student’s personality. Each member of the house must work towards the individual’s growth and the development of the social and emotional skills of the students of their house.
  2. Maintain an attendance register for house students and take their attendance during every house meeting.
  3. A proper record of each activity must be kept. The house report should be submitted monthly on the 1st Monday. A duplicate copy must be maintained. This report should be comprehensive and record the achievements of the house.
  4. Attendance and uniform should be a matter of pride. A regular check must be maintained.
  5. Volunteer duties must be assigned to the students. The house is responsible for ensuring that volunteers report regularly on time.
  6. Inter-house and inter-school competitions and events are essential in providing the students an opportunity to identify and enhance their talents, and also help build a team spirit. The house works as a team to prepare students for various competitions and also organizes events by rotation. Tutors must also ensure that students learn how to be an ideal audience.
  7. Guidance and counseling of students under their charge.
  8. Organization of house functions to recognize and highlight the achievements of the house.
  9. Organization of regular meetings of the house members.
  10. Floor-wise duties must also be assigned to the students and the teachers of the house on duty.
  11. The house warden should also depute a teacher to make separate lines for latecomers (one for those who use the school bus and another for those who use self-conveyance).