Every new day dawns with different challenges. Yes, the World is changing at a supersonic speed with mighty changes in technology, and today’s children have to face it boldly. The aim of CFS is to equip the students to tread on the “untraded” path with dedication, discipline, and internal motivation to succeed in their careers. To achieve success, which is one of the toughest challenges; but, the highly committed staff and students of CFS will achieve this feat. “CFS”ians must believe in themselves and in their lofty goals. They must make big plans, aim even higher, and work tirelessly to remain at the pinnacle of their achievements. I have complete faith in their inherent potential to revolutionize the meaning of success and excellence.
Education is the continuous pursuit of excellence. Individuals and organizations, civilization and nations known to have continuously striven towards this path of excellence. In the new world order, excellence has its own importance. Any person or organization that endeavors to bring in quality in their work and life is in the pursuit of excellence.
CITI FORD SCHOOL will always attempt to pursue the path of excellence in school education, and it will direct its initiatives and reforms toward providing quality education to the students who join our school. While it has been the school’s endeavor to provide holistic education by molding the total personality of a child, it has, through its curricular initiatives, helped to strengthen the bond of national unity and foster in young minds love for fellow humans, to be a good citizen and able member of society.
We are witnessing tremendous changes taking place around the world on account of globalization, increased interaction, and the accelerated pace of development in science and technology, as well as in the employment sector. The very goals and definition of education have got to be a part of new strategies and find solutions.
We in our school are trying to play a dynamic role through cooperation and collaboration in the task of transforming and making younger the goals of education. Total quality management involves a re-engineering of mindsets in the various aspects of school education.
With the ushering in of the third millennium, the world has moved into a completely new model in every dimension. The students of today live in a world that is completely different from the one in which we all, the teachers, and the parents have grown up. We have to believe this very fundamental change and accordingly progress a pathway to excellence, keeping dominance in the children’s experience, voices, their interests, and active participation. For us, every child is important, and we must follow the saying that every child is talented.
Thank You
Dear Parents, An education of the highest quality is the greatest gift that parents can give to their children. The next global generation will need exceptional academic and intellectual creativity to take on positions of leadership and address the many challenges that face our world. Given this, the leading schools in the 21st Century must provide an honourably holistic international education to prepare learners for the responsibilities they will face in their lives. The curriculum at CITI FORD SCHOOL is designed to meet the needs of today’s learners and is sensitive to different learning styles. An excess of academic and co-curricular activities offers the opportunity for all students to discover various aspects of their personalities. Cultural programs and fulfilments of International and National days showcase their intellectual potential and essential talent. At CFS, we believe that children need not always be taught to do things; instead, they should be encouraged to explore, discover, and learn by reflection, under the caring guidance of teachers. We are pledged to fulfil the expectations of our parent community and set a target that is unparalleled in the field of quality education. I conclude my message with an invitation to visit the CITI FORD SCHOOL campus located in the lap of greenery, where teaching and learning are simple and enjoyable, and most importantly, within the reach of students. Warm Regards, Syed. MD. Amir Trustee
Thank You
Syed. MD. Amir