OUR OBJECTIVES & MISSIONLorem Ipsum dolroin gravida nibh vel velit.

Our Objectives & Mission

To encourage children to think independently, to be passionate about what they wish to do, and to value excellence. To be in a learning mode all their lives. With knowledge, confidence, compassion, and cheer, children must proceed to make the world a better place than they found it.

Citi Ford School will create a safe and structured environment where students and staff, along with parents and guardians, come together as a community of life-long learners. Our school will foster individual differences, encourage each other, and set challenging goals. We will strive to think critically and creatively to encourage good decision-making strategies to promote a sense of teamwork and cooperation. Citi Ford School, the child is the only priority, and imparting quality education to them is our prime duty. The school shall adhere in word and deed to the philosophy of “DISCOVER EXCELLENCE”, following the universal values of Love, Truth, and Tolerance.

To discover excellence in learning both within the classroom and beyond. To empower teachers to guide children with means to construct knowledge. To bring back an element of joy to school surroundings that would nudge the child to grow into full bloom.

Citi Ford School is to promote academic excellence and provide the opportunity for early adolescents to attain their individual, social, emotional, and physical potential. Quality education will be provided to all students through teamwork and cooperation resulting in their development into mature productive global citizens. As an International School with strong traditional values, Citi Ford School develops a learning community with high academic standards focused upon “balanced, caring, communicators, knowledgeable, inquirers, open-minded, principled, reflective thinkers, and risk-takers who will be always “On the Top of the World”.

Independent Thinking

Encouraging children to think independently, be passionate, and value excellence throughout their lives.

Community & Safety

Creating a safe and structured environment where students, staff, and parents come together as a learning community.

Empowering Teachers

Empowering teachers to guide children with the means to construct knowledge and foster joy in learning.

Academic Excellence

Promoting academic excellence and providing opportunities for students to reach their full potential.

Global Citizenship

Developing students into mature, productive global citizens with strong traditional values.

Universal Values

Adhering to the philosophy of “DISCOVER EXCELLENCE” with universal values of Love, Truth, and Tolerance.