Code Of ConductLorem Ipsum dolroin gravida nibh vel velit.


Code of Conduct

“Well behaved students treat everyone as they themselves wish to be treated.”

  1. Be aware of, accept, and act in accordance with the school policies.
  2. Co-operate with other students and teachers.
  3. Respect the learning needs of other students.
  4. Take progressive responsibility and ownership of learning, work consistently, and complete tasks as required.
  5. Be tolerant and respectful of diversity.
  6. Be punctual and regular in attendance.
  7. Report to school on time.
  8. Inform parents of educational progress and ensure that all school communication is effectively delivered.
  9. Uphold the reputation of the school by observing an appropriate standard of behaviour in transit to and from the school and when wearing school uniform.
  10. Accept the authority of members of staff and observe specific rules which may be made from time to time.
  11. Behave in a manner which does not endanger the health and safety of themselves or others.
  12. Behave with courtesy and consideration for others. In particular, students must refrain from all forms of bullying, violence, verbal intimidation, and harassment.
  13. Peer conflicts should be resolved by peaceful means. This protects the physical and mental well-being of each individual and promotes a positive and safe school environment.
  14. Respectful behaviour and appropriate language are essential in the resolution of conflicts with others.
  15. Refrain from behaviour which would disrupt classroom instruction or act as an obstacle for other students’ learning.
  16. Respect school property and the property of staff and other students.
  17. Complete work set by teachers promptly and to the best of ability and take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered at the school.
  18. Dress neatly and with due regard for health, hygiene, and safety. Students must wear the proper school uniform. An ID card is mandatory.
  19. No running in corridors, through doorways, the quadrangle, or up and down stairways.
  20. Students shall be punctual and shall attend all classes.
  21. Students who are absent from school must provide written explanations from their parents or guardians on the day of return. Parents are required to inform the school as soon as possible if the student will be absent for more than two consecutive days.
  22. Students are expected to treat school property with care and respect. This includes school grounds, buildings, equipment, textbooks, transportation vehicles, and the possessions of others. Writing graffiti on school property is strictly prohibited.